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AstraZeneca is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies and number 1 in clinical trials in Austria

AstraZeneca is an essential partner in the Austrian healthcare system.

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AstraZeneca is one of the leading pharmaceutical companies and number 1 in clinical trials in Austria


Top-10 companies for ongoing clinical studies in Austria*


Top-15 companies for revenues in hospital + retail market in Austria

(€ mill.), 2022

Pfeil nach unten

Ongoing clinical trials of the top-15 companies in hospital + retail market in Austria

(number), 2022*

N.B. AstraZeneca data include Alexion (9 ongoing studies).
(*) Analysis performed for the top 40 pharmaceutical companies for new clinical trials started in Austria. Data updated to February 2023.

Leader in clinical trials in oncology

Top-5 companies for ongoing lung cancer clinical studies in Austria

(number), 2023

Top-5 companies for ongoing ovarian cancer clinical studies in Austria

(number), 2023

Top-5 companies for ongoing breast cancer clinical studies in Austria

(number), 2023

Every Euro invested in clinical trials by the pharmaceutical industry generates €1.95 for the Austrian economy.

The performance of clinical trials by the pharmaceutical industry leads – in addition to the benefit for patients – to positive macroeconomic effects.

AstraZeneca’s investment in clinical trials translates into benefits for the healthcare system in terms of financial savings, targeting and improving treatment as well as the access to new drugs.

Every Euro invested in clinical trials by the pharmaceutical industry generates €1.95 for the Austrian economy.

The performance of clinical trials by the pharmaceutical industry leads – in addition to the benefit for patients – to positive macroeconomic effects.

Thanks to this leverage effect, the €3.5 million invested in 2021 translates into €6.8 million of expected benefits for the Austrian healthcare system.

Clinical trials bring benefits for patients, the healthcare system, research, and business

Source: The European House – Ambrosetti, elaboration of AstraZeneca Austria, 2023