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AstraZeneca is growing above the industry average and making a significant contribution to a healthy future.

We create highly qualified jobs, promote talents, and offer our employees the opportunity for development.

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Our team has grown by 70% since 2017, well above the industry average

We create high quality jobs in Austria and promote the development of our talents.

AstraZeneca employees in Austria

(number), 2017-2022

Employee growth graphic
Employee growth graphic

Employee growth

Growth, 2017-2021

Employee growth graphic

* as of August 2023

Number employees graphic
Number employees graphic

AstraZeneca Austria creates around 550 direct and indirect jobs

For every person employed by AstraZeneca Austria, 1.2 more jobs are activated in the whole Austrian economy and further 0.8 outside the country

Employment and jobs created by AstraZeneca Austria nationally and internationally.

(FTE), 2022

Created jobs graphic
Created jobs graphic
Female employee

AstraZeneca is growing faster than other key industries in Austria

AstraZeneca Austria’s employee growth
and comparison with the
top 5 economic sectors in Austria

(% variation), 2017-2021 or last data available

Comparison sector growth graphic
Comparison sector growth graphic
Explore number of employees

30,300 employees

337,500 employees

93,300 employees

76,600 employees

38,300 employees

N.B. Data extracted from the Eurostat database of annual detailed enterprise statistics for industry (NACE Rev. 2).

AstraZeneca invests in employees throughout Austria

We offer opportunities for the development of our employees in order to be able to realize professional and private goals.

Arrow curved down

Headquarter or Field force?

How are our employees distributed among the areas of operation? Take a guess!

Employees in the field icon
Employees in the field icon


work in the field

Employees in the headquarter icon
Employees in the headquarter icon


work in the headquarter

Geographical distribution of AstraZeneca employees*

(% on total), 2022

Distribution employees graphic
Distribution employees graphic

(*) Data reported in the graph consider the employees’ province of residence.

Two out of three employees have completed a university degree

Employees with a university degree, or tertiary level education

(% on total), 2022 or last available data

University degree sector comparison graphic
Female scientist

1 out of 2 line managers at AstraZeneca Austria is female

A diverse team is important to us. This is how we create a working environment in which our employees are successful and contribute to the company's success.

Female managers graphic

Female occupation, benchmarking

(% on total employees), 2022 or last available data )

Female managers sector comparison graphic
Arrow down

Arrow down

Women in senior and middle management roles and above*

(% on total), 2022 or last available data

Female management graphic
Female management graphic
Female management icon

(*) Data refers to line managers and components of the Senior Management Team.

Source: The European House – Ambrosetti elaboration of AstraZeneca Austria, 2023