Economy icon

AstraZeneca is making a significant contribution to a healthy future, both for the population and the economy.

In this way, we create benefits for patients and ensure positive macroeconomic effects. Every euro we invest in clinical research generates two euros for the national economy.

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AstraZeneca is growing above the industry average and is investing in Austria

For every euro invested in direct value added, an additional 1.3 euros in indirect value added is generated - almost three-quarters of it in Austria. In 2022, the total value added was 68 million euros.

Nine out of ten of our suppliers are in Austria. By purchasing goods and services, we thus make an additional contribution to regional value creation.

AstraZeneca Austria Value Added

Revenues growth by AZ Austria 2022 vs. 2021

Wachstum Grafik
Wachstum Grafik

N.B. Growth includes performance in retail and hospital market and does not take into account other operating income.

AstraZeneca contributes to the growth of value creation in Austria

AstraZeneca Austria Value Added

(€ mill.), 2017-2021 and 2022 estimate

Value added graphic
Value added graphic

Value Added growth

(CAGR*), 2017-2021

Value added growth graphic

* Annual growth rate 2017-2021

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9 out of 10 of our suppliers are in Austria, spending 10.6 million euros in Austria for goods and services

  • In 2022, AstraZeneca Austria has purchased goods and services for a total amount of €11.1 million*
  • ... of which 86.7% directly in Austria, from 164 national suppliers.
Purchases goods/services graphic

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Purchases goods/services graphic

Every euro invested by AstraZeneca generates an additional Euro in Austria

For every Euro of direct value added of AstraZeneca Austria in 2022, additional €0.9 are generated in the Austrian whole economy and further €0.4 outside the country.

Value added total graphic

Total Value Added generated by AstraZeneca in Austria and globally

(mill. €), 2022

Value added world wide
Value added world wide

Source: The European House – Ambrosetti, Ausarbeitung der Daten von AstraZeneca Österreich, 2023